A 24-year “Overnight” Success Story

I would venture to say I am as bad as it gets; wanting things NOW…wanting things to work on my schedule. Why shouldn’t things fall into place when I expect them to?
After working in this industry my whole life, I can tell you that success is a process. Lewis Environmental is 24 years old and it still feels like we are just getting started. Lewis Property Services is just over 3 years old and is constantly growing and evolving…
Too often we expect things because we tried hard or we think we deserve it, and well, what I have learned after thirty-one years in this business, is that the process is necessary. The process forces us to focus on what is important for the long-term.

As I look at our organization today, The Lewis Group is successful because we have endured. We have tried and failed and tried again and succeeded. It is indeed a process. The one consistent factor throughout has been our people and our constant desire to do it right. Success requires patience and it requires sticktoitiveness. The challenge is to stay the course when the easy road is calling.
Simply winning is not the answer (just look at the Houston Astros). Winning when you do things the right way is when you realize true success.
At The Lewis Group, we are proud of each of our employees and thank them for their continued efforts to make Lewis a success story by doing things the right way, every day!